So I took the plunge. This weekend I went against all my instincts that told me the iPhone was not worth the investment and I bought one anyway. I got it Saturday and when I got home I spent about an hour learning all the new functions and things that it can do. I pride myself for being tech savy but this phone is still over my head. There is so much that it is capable of, i'm having a blast with it!!!

Also, if anyone is interested in buying one you should know that the price just dropped! 8gb models are now $399 and the 4gb models are $299. I got the 4gb because I don't plan on watching video's on my phone and draining the battery. I'll use my iPod for that. The phone is for listening to music when I forget the iPod, answering my clients emails more quickly, surfing the web, checking maps, the list goes on and on. Apple also just realeased a new iPhone touch. I'll go one step at a time though :)