Anyway, back to the trip. My little cousin Peter is almost 2 years old now and I got to spend a lot of time with him. I think I have officially become the photographer to document him growing up because I took about 300 pictures of him on this trip, so you will see a lot of little Peter. He made me laugh the whole trip, this kid is crazy! Here is one of my favorites of him.

Few shots around the city!

My mother and two aunts at an Aussie museum...

I saw this sign and loved it!

Peter and his mom, they're both beautiful!!

My Mom working it for the camera :)

That Saturday we drove down to Phillips Island. Their beach was beautiful, check these out!

Nice family shot...

Excuse my aunt... she needs a boyfriend...

When I got to the wildlife park, I was like "Wow i'm going to see some koalas and kangaroos!" I did but these must have been the laziest ones in Australia!!!

I think Peter liked the bats more..

He also hated to walk :)

Nice portrait of Twyla...

Well that's it for now! I took about 500 pictures and I couldn't possibly blog them all :)