Friday, April 11, 2008

Second Shooting

Photographers ask me all the time, "How did you get started shooting weddings?" and my answer is always the same... Second Shooting! Find a photographer in your are who is willing to let you tag along on a few weddings and practice. Who cares if you're getting paid or not, the experience is well worth it. I was fortunate enough to have a friend, Chris Wineinger, who was already shooting weddings to let me come with him when I first started out. Check out his blog. He doesn't post often so leave a few comments demanding to see more images!!

Chris is a all around good guy and I feel lucky to be able to call him a friend. A few weeks ago he asked me to tag along with him to one of his weddings and I jumped at the chance. Even though I shoot my own weddings now, it is always fun to shoot for yourself and get those creative shots you wouldn't normally be able to get when you are the lead photographer. Here are a few from Ryan and Sarah's wedding.

A few Details:

The beautiful bride:

Here's Chris....he loves being in front of the camera:

I managed to snag a few of the bride when Chris wasn't jumping in front of my lens:

It didn't last long!

It was all in good fun though. Here is Chris again slacking during the ceremony. We're no ordinary photographers!

Ok back to the couple...I managed to get these off as the sun was setting. I loved the sincere moments between these two:

So if you ever get a chance, second shoot for another photographer. If nothing else it's lots of fun and you get to be in a non-stressful situation to improve your craft. Thank you Ryan and Sarah for letting me come out!!


Pat said...

Great shots and good advice, part of my 2008 goals is to second shoot as much as I can. Holla if you want a tag along.

Anonymous said...

yeah sure man, send me an email when you want to come out

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