Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Hulk : Movie Review

So I've seen a pretty good amount of movies over the past few weeks, it just so happened though that this is the first one I've thought worth mentioning in a while. I saw "The Hulk" this past Friday (for those of you who don't know who he is, he's the big green monster who likes to smash things) and it was fantastic. I've been hearing reviews everywhere that The Hulk is every bit as good as Iron is.

Some of you may have seen the abomination (not the villain) that happened 5 years ago by Ang Lee, this one is 10 times better. Edward Norton doesn't make bad movies, and this one was no exception. His portrayal of Bruce Banner was right on and very believable. Eric Bana just doesn't look like a nerdy scientist. Also, the movie was very well shot, and the story was very easy to follow along to even if you aren't a fan of The Hulk comic book series. They also set up villains for future sequels very nicely!

I'm very excited with Marvel right now and what they are doing with Marvel Studios. Producing their own movies may have been the best decision they have made in a really long time. I don't want to make any spoilers for people who haven't seen the movie yet but I'm pretty sure the Avengers movie is right around the corner. For those of you who don't know who the Avengers are, trust me you'll find out soon!!

1 comment:

Courteney Miller said...

I agree with everything you said! We saw it at the drive in movie theater in Hockley, Friday night!!!